修改 Inotify Watches Limit 提高idea性能


For an intelligent IDE, it is essential to be in the know about any external changes in files it is working with - e.g. changes made by VCS, or build tools, or code generators etc. For that reason, IntelliJ platform spins background process to monitor such changes. The method it uses is platform-specific, and on Linux, it is the Inotify facility.

Inotify requires a "watch handle" to be set for each directory in the project. Unfortunately, the default limit of watch handles may not be enough for reasonably sized projects, and reaching the limit will force IntelliJ platform to fall back to recursive scans of directory trees.

To prevent this situation it is recommended to increase the watches limit (to, say, 512K)

大意就是说idea运行的时候有一个后台进程在不断的扫描项目文件夹里面是否有文件变动,这个技术在Linux系统上是使用 Inotify 特性实现的,但是Linux系统有一个 watch handle limit,简单说就是监视大小限制, 一般来说这个大小限制都比我们的项目所需要的小,所以idea就要经常主动去扫描项目目录,而不能利用系统特性,导致变卡。



Add the following line to either /etc/sysctl.conf file or a new *.conf file (e.g. idea.conf) under /etc/sysctl.d/ directory:

fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288
Then run this command to apply the change:
sudo sysctl -p --system




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